Professor Teresa Peña elected corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences
Professor Teresa Peña is the more recent Técnico professor to join this prestigious institution.

Maria Teresa de la Peña Stadler, Técnico professor of IST/DECN/DF was elected corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. The election took place this Tuesday, 2014 June 18, during the meeting of the Class of Physics.
The corresponding members of each class are nominated by the effective members of their class, anytime there is a vacancy. The nominees are then presented to the suffrage. In order to be elected, it is necessary an absolute majority of effective members. Some duties of a corresponding member are: attendance at plenary sessions and class sessions to which they belong; participation in the works of the Academy, performing the functions to which they have been designated or elected by deliberation of the Academy or the class to which they belong; and the presentation of communications, reports, proposals, projects and work suggestions.