Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection

The area of Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection is structured in:
Nuclear Technologies and Charged Particles (Ion Beams)
Experience in the operation of large experimental beam infrastructures in ex-ITN serves as a basis for the development of nuclear instrumentation for industrial and research applications and for support of new nuclear techniques. These techniques have been applied to a large number of areas (materials, nanotechnology, health, biomedicine, environment, restoration and cultural heritage), with qualitative and quantitative advantages over non-nuclear techniques. Among the installed nuclear techniques are the analysis and modification of ion-beam materials, including Rutherford backscatter, particle-induced X-ray emission, nuclear reaction analysis, recoil ion detection analysis, emission of particle-induced γ-radiation; and perturbed angular correlations, neutron diffraction and accelerator mass spectrometry.
As a result of this experience in nuclear analytical techniques, chairs are offered under different Masters of IST or PhD programs:
- Radiation Detection Systems and Techniques (MPSR)
- Materials Science for Nuclear Technologies (MEFT and MEGE)
- Advanced Characterization of Functional Materials (DEFT)
- Biophysics (MEFT, being transversal to courses in Mathematics, Nano, Biology)
Radiation Protection and Safety
Radiation Protection and Safety aims to protect individuals and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, allowing the activities that use it to be carried out safely. Among the various components of Radiation Protection and Safety are the metrology of ionizing radiation, the maintenance of national standards, dosimetry, radiobiology, simulations by the Monte Carlo method, and activities such as radiological control of facilities that use radioactive sources and / or equipment producing ionizing radiations, monitoring of workers exposed to external and internal radiation, monitoring of the environment for the control of environmental radioactivity, the transport of radioactive material, as well as the collection, segregation and storage of radioactive waste , among others.
Experience in this area serves as a basis for the Master of Radiation Protection and Safety, where the following chairs are offered:
- Biological Effects of Radiation
- Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
- Protection and Radiological Safety in Radiotherapy
- Radioactive Waste
- Fundamentals of Radiation Protection and Safety
- Radioactivity Environment
- Radiation Dosimetry and Shielding
- Radiation Metrology in Health and Industry
- Risk and Safety in ionizing radiation applications
- Project in Radiological Protection
- Epidemiology of Radiation
There is also a chair in the MEFT and MEGE masters:
- Radiation Protection and Dosimetry
Depending on the requests, the course is offered:
- Course of Radiological Safety and Security in the Operation of Gamadensimeters
Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear energy, either on the basis of the spin-off or on the basis of the merger, will continue to play an important role in developed societies. Although Portugal does not have reactors of nuclear energy production, it is important to guarantee the formation of knowledge in these areas being necessary professionals with solid training in Nuclear Engineering. Since 1961, the Portuguese Research Reactor has been the major catalyst for the development of competencies associated with nuclear technologies, including the division and control of fission reactors, nuclear materials, physical protection and safeguards, as well as acoustic and vibration problems in components of nuclear power plants.
As a result of this experience, the following courses are offered: MPSR, MEFT and MEGE:
- Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- Simulation by Monte Carlo Methods
- Physics of Nuclear Reactors