Continuing Education

Continuing Education and Professional Qualification Courses aim to enhance the continuous development of people through the promotion of training activities and professional development strategies.
Professional Qualification Courses
With the objective of providing training in Radiological Protection and Safety to professionals from the various sectors of activity (medical, industrial, research and teaching, among others) leading to the achievement of Qualification Level III - "Technical Operator", as provided for in article 3. of Decree-Law no. 227/2008, of November 25th.
- Radiological Protection and Safety (Medical Area)
- Radiological Protection and Safety (Industrial Area)
Open applications.
Other Training Activities
Preparation and Quality Control of Radiopharmaceuticals: allows to acquire or update knowledge in the area of production and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals for application in nuclear medicine. In particular, professionals in this area should be better qualified to implement the methodologies required for the preparation and quality control of new radiopharmaceuticals that have been introduced into clinical practice over the last few years. For more information please refer to the respective page.
This course is not available yet.
Nuclear Techniques for the Valorization of Cultural Heritage: allows to provide participants with technical knowledge and practical demonstrations of advanced nuclear techniques for the analysis of objects/materials/contexts of cultural heritage. By learning and understanding the basic principles, the functioning of analytical techniques and their advantages and limitations, which are followed by demonstrations of application, participants will be able to better identify and select the most appropriate techniques for solving a particular type of problem of an archaeological/historical nature. Training will also be provided in the sampling/selection processes of analysis points, in the notion of the representativeness of the analyses, as well as in the meaning of the results obtained.
This course is not available yet.