Masters and Minors

Sobre Masters
Master Degree in Radiological Protection and Safety (MPSR)

Aims to meet the needs of education, training and professional training of those who work in the Health sector, Industry, Environment, Research, Services, Security and Energy.
Offers a wide range of curricular units on radioactive waste, environmental radioactivity, metrology, dosimetry, radiobiology and biological effects of radiations, nuclear and radiological protection and safety, radiological and nuclear emergencies.
Intent to provide a comprehensive and integrated view of different topics: science, technology, socioeconomics, ethics and law on Radiation Protection and Safety.
This master's degree started in 2016/17.
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Master's Degree in Science and Technologies for Cultural Heritage (MCTPC)
The preservation of material cultural heritage proposes applications of science and technologies to mobile and immovable heritage, to preserve, restore or analyze it, preferably using non-destructive techniques or micro-invasive methods.
The role of Masters in Sciences and Technologies for Cultural Heritage involves analyzing and characterizing cultural materials, and conducting environmental impact studies, with a view to valuing and preserving material cultural heritage.

This master's degree will allow future masters to work in public and private sectors related to heritage preservation, such as Museums, Town Halls, Houses of Culture, Archaeology Companies, Environmental Impact Studies Companies, Tourism, Foundations or Auctioneers.
This master's degree has been offered since the academic year 2021/2022, and is not in operation in the academic year 2022/23.
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- Complementary information (curricular plan, evaluations, class timetable).
Master's Degree in Medical Physics (MFM)
It is in the approval phase and results from a collaboration between the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.
About Minors
The contexts to which engineers, scientists and architects are exposed in their day-to-day life are increasingly complex and multidisciplinary. The professions of the future promise to be increasingly comprehensive and multifaceted, strongly driven by innovation, creativity and critical thinking. Contact with topics that are not directly related to the curriculum of the course that students are attending provides a more complete and comprehensive training.
A Minor adds a small set of disciplines of a certain scope that complements the specific training of 2nd Cycle courses, promoting the training of differentiated and more complete professionals. It is part of the optional component of each master's degree and corresponds to 18 ECTS.
DECN offer:
Other Master's Programmes
DECN collaborates in other masters offered by other IST departments (MEFT and MEGE):
- Air Quality Management (MEAmbi)
- Biophysics at DF (MEFT, being transversal to courses in Mathematics, Nano, Biology)
- Chemistry at DEQ (MEEC, MAEer)
- Eletcromagnetism and Optics at DF (MEFT, LEGM, MEC, MEEC)
- Genetic Engineering at DBE (MEBion, MEBiolog)
- Laboratory of Advanced Experimental Physics at DF (MEFT and MEGE)
- Mechanics and Waves at DF (MEEC, MEFT)
- Molecular Biotechnology at DBE (MBiot, MMicrobiol)
- Nanotechnologies and Nanoelectronics at DF (MBioNano, MEFT)
- Nuclear Physics and Engineering at DF (MEFT, MEGE)
- Photovoltaic Solar Energy at DF (MEGE, MEFT)
- Physical Chemistry at DEQ (MEQ)
- Physics of Nuclear Reactors at DF (MEFT, MEGE)