National Networks

Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network at IST (RENEM)
The Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa, RNEM) is a strategic research infrastructure in Portugal that provides state-of-art scientific expertise, advanced technology, training and services in the area of mass spectrometry and proteomics. The main objectives of RNEM are to enable scientific excellence, to support innovation, to foster scientific training and employment, thus empowering Portugal to address the Europe 2020 challenges. By rationalizing mass spectrometry and proteomics resources, RNEM is able to provide competitive, state-of-art services and technologies that support research in chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, environment, pharmacology and medicine. RNEM provides training at all levels, from undergraduate students to post-docs, reaching standards comparable to top research centres of international ranking and supporting several FCT funded doctoral programs.
RNEM was established in 2006, under the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) national re-equipment program. RNEM was recently recommended for inclusion in the FCT's Research Infrastructures Roadmap in Category 1 (ref. ROTEIRO/0028/2013).