Efficient management of spent fuel and radioactive waste in the Member States

Researchers from the Technological and Nuclear Campus (CTN), Instituto Superior Técnico, Isabel Paiva, João Alves and Marta Almeida, together with the Director of the Department of Emergencies and Radiological Protection of the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA), João Oliveira Martins, represented Portugal yesterday, October 22, 2024, in Brussels at the event "The Safe Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in the Small Inventory Member States".

Promoted by the European Commission (DG ENER, DG RTD and JRC), the main objectives of the meeting were to present the activities of the European Commission in the field of radioactive waste management and to identify the specific needs and challenges of the Member States.

According to João Alves, researcher at CTN, and responsible for the Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety, "the participation of the Portuguese delegation in this meeting was fundamental to explore solutions and create synergies that can contribute to the efficient management of radioactive waste in Portugal".
