European Researchers' Night 2022
On the night of September 30, C2TN researchers will participate in several activities at Pavilion of Knowledge. Attendance is free.

Técnico will organise more than two dozen activities on September 30, during the European Researchers’ Night, in three different sites: The National Museum of Natural History and Science, the Pavilion of Knowledge and the Champalimaud Foundation. Attendance is free.
The 2022 European Researchers’ Night takes place simultaneously in hundreds of European cities, under the motto “Science for All (SCIEVER) – Inclusion and Sustainability”. This initiative is funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 programme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), which aims to bring researchers and citizens closer together.
C2TN/DECN activities in the European Researchers’ Night:
Pavilion of Knowledge (Lisbon) – Programme
- “How to measure air pollution?” (C2TN – Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
- “The air belongs to everyone!” (C2TN – Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
- “Knowledge is power” (C2TN – Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
- “Touch our ancestors’ fossils” (IPFN – Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion
iMPact Project members participated at the event, hosted by Pavilion of Knowledge (in Lisbon), and introduced the project to the public.