4th ObservIST Meeting: pedagogical innovation and people integration (2nd part)
The meeting held last Tuesday, November 16, brought together members of the Técnico community to debate the work done so far and the strategies to adopt.

About a month ago, the IST Best Practices Observatory (ObservIST) announced the Best Practices of the year 2021. This Tuesday, November 16, the ObservIST invited the Técnico community to participate in the 2nd part of the 4th ObservIST Meeting, which focused on the challenges ahead: people integration of and pedagogical innovation.
Several topics were addressed in the 1st round table moderated by professor Alexandre Francisco, Vice-president of IST for Academic Affairs, such as some best practices that already exist at Técnico, namely best practices to welcome and integrate students, professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff .
The name of dr. Dulce Belo, researcher at the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering, and representative of the “Social C2TN” best practice, stands out among other participants.