DECN Elections: area coordinators and staff representative (2023-2024)
Election calendar: from 2023, January 11th to February 1st.

The elections for Scientific Areas Coordinators and the Representative of the Technical and Administrative Employees in the Department Council – for the next biennium will take place on the 7th of February 2023.
The Electoral Board - Election of the Representative of Technical and Administrative Employees:
- Elisabete Correia (President)
- Nuno Pinhão (Secretary)
The Electoral Board - Election of the Coordinators of the Scientific Areas:
- Filipa Mendes (President)
- Marta Almeida (Secretary)
Election calendar for both elections:
- 11 Janeiro - Presentation of the provisional electoral list
- 17 Janeiro, 17h - Deadline for complaints about the electoral register
- 18 Janeiro - Presentation of the final electoral list
- 25 Janeiro, 17h - Deadline for submitting applications
- 26 Janeiro - Presentation of candidate applications
- 1 Fevereiro, 5pm - Deadline to request ballot papers by mail
- 2 Fevereiro - End of campaign
- 7 Fevereiro, 10 am-5pm - Elections
Voting local: CTN/Library.