2021 S&T Week – Lecture “A pegada hidrológica! Educar através da experimentação.”

The S&T Week aims to make Portuguese scientists known and show the importance of their research work for the advancement of knowledge and social well-being. Several scientific institutions, universities, schools, museums and science centers promote science and technology dissemination activities at national level. This year also marks the 25th anniversary of the National Day of Scientific Culture, created in 1996 on the initiative of José Mariano Gago (Minister of Science at the time), in honor of the science promoter Rómulo de Carvalho, who was born on this day – November 24.
- 24th November 2021, 2 p.m. – Online (via Zoom)*
- Speaker: Carla Rocha (BSc/MSc in Geology – University of Coimbra,; PhD in Georesources – Universidade de Lisboa/Técnico).
- Title: “A pegada hidrológica! Educar através da experimentação” (“The hydrological footprint! The importance of experimental practice in education”)
*Attendance is free. Registration is required via this email.
The Zoom ID will be sent by email to registered participants.
Target audience
Basic education students (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles), secondary school students, university students, public in general.