PRISMAP Summer School - Radiopharmaceutical Science: from radiochemistry to preclinical studies

Hosted by the Group of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, this course brings together the group of C2TN/IST scientists who, together with international experts, will present theoretical lectures on hot topics in radiopharmaceutical sciences, including radiolabelled chemistry, synthesis and conjugation of biomolecules, in silico approaches, methods for preclinical studies with cellular and animal models, and preclinical dosimetry.
The course will also include a visit to the facilities of the Nuclear Medicine Service of the Fundação Champalimaud, a Portuguese foundation that focuses on advanced biomedical research to provide translational and interdisciplinary clinical care.
The course is organised as part of the PRISMAP project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 101008571 (PRISMAP).
- Important Dates: 2023, 11-14th September
- Local: C2TN/CTN