Open Call for the Attribution of Graduate Research Scholarship: Materials/Chemistry/Chemical Engineering

Applications are open for 1 research scholarship, within the framework of the project “Material's Characterization with Nuclear Radioactive Techniques - synergy and complementarity applied to training and development” (CERN/FIS-NUC/0004/2015), funded by national funds through FCT/MEC (PIDDAC).
Application deadline and formalization: The call is open from 22 de February to 24 march 2016.
Duration of the fellowship(s): The fellowship will last for 3 months, starting in April 2016. The fellowship contract may be renewed for a maximum of 9 months.
- Admission requirements: Degree in Materials Engineering, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.
- Preferential requirements: Preference is given to candidates with an average equal to or greater than 14, who are interested in doing their master's thesis with us (possibly also wishing to do a doctorate later) and with experience in characterization by X-ray diffraction (post ) and SEM/EDS.
Work place: C2TN/CTN, under the scientific guidance of Doctor António Pereira Gonçalves, with occasional periods of stay at CERN for presentation and discussion of results.
Applications must be formalized, by sending the following documents: Form ID B1 – Application for Research Grant (, Curriculum Vitae, certificate of qualifications and letter of motivation, and must be sent via email to: