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The research staff of DECN has a quite diversified range of competences, which are unique at a national level. These competences have been developed since the previous framework of Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) as a state laboratory in association with the operation of complex research infrastructures or large-scale research programmes, and have been fueled by the need to fulfil national obligations or to provide services of public interest. The know-how and experience existing in DECN include experimental nuclear physics and accelerators technologies, the development of nuclear and non-nuclear techniques with relevance for applications in materials science, environment and cultural heritage, health and radiological protection, radiochemistry and radiopharmaceutical sciences, f-elements chemistry, solid state chemistry, low temperature and magnetic field techniques for studies and magnetic properties of materials.

Presently the competences of DECN research staff and faculty are considered as divided in two different scientific areas: Chemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (CQR) and Nuclear Technologies and Radiation Protection (TNPR).

The research activities of DECN members take place in different Research Units of Técnico: C2TN, IPFN, IBB and CFTP, while those related to services and technological development, namely in the framework of national obligations and services of public interest, take place in the framework of “Laboratórios de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico” (LDTs).

Besides the unique nature of these competences, the large number of researchers among the staff and the nature of their activities make DECN quite distinct from other departments at Técnico. Presently DECN is facing the challenge of preserving and developing its unique scientific know-how and skills while simultaneously contributing to the educational offer of Técnico, either through new programmes of its initiative or through the collaboration with courses in educational programs coordinated by other Departments.